Alexander Moffat and Helen Bellany

Alexander Moffat and Helen Bellany

It’s an enormous pleasure for the Junor Gallery to present new works by two major figures in Scotland’s cultural life. Alexander Moffat’s landscapes are the most significant development of the artist’s ‘late style’ to be shown in Scotland since his monumental composite portrait Scotland’s Voices.

‘Sooner or later the main genres of western painting… still life, the nude, landscape all present distinct challenges that need to be addressed. … Because it’s so different from painting a portrait, painting a landscape becomes an enjoyable experience, another kind of painting, freer, and unburdened. The landscapes, or landmarks I‘m attracted to usually have some kind of emblematic potential. From my studio window I can see Arthur’s Seat, Salisbury Crags, Calton Hill… the crags and rocks of Edinburgh speak of history and therefore confer identity. In Sutherland, Suilven….and in Italy, the Apuan Alps.’ – Alexander Moffat

Alongside are works on paper by Moffat’s contemporary Helen Bellany, her very first exhibition of watercolour landscapes.  Author of The Restless Wave: My Two Lives with John Bellany, the artist reflected, ‘Fifty years is a long time but that’s how long the gap had been before I started to draw again. More than fifty years. … Had I been intimidated by the power of John’s work? Most definitely. Did I resent this? Most definitely not.’

The exhibition opens online on 1st June. Scotland remains under the safest of lockdown regulations – keep an eye on the website and the gallery’s social media (Instagram and Facebook) for updates. I hope to be able to open the gallery doors again before the end of August. In the meantime, enjoy the exhibition online and keep well.

As always please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need any further information or assistance – email or use the Contact form here on the website.

Best wishes, Beth Junor