Friederike Seide

Friederike Seide

About the Artist

Friederike Seide is a professionally trained visual artist from Germany.  She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) from Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel, Germany, where she trained under the supervision of Prof Arnold Dreyblatt, Prof Piotr Nathan and Prof Petra M. Meyer.  She majored in media art, drawing and philosophy.  She is the recipient of the scholarship of the Käthe Dorsch- and Agnes-Straub-Foundation Berlin (for artists) 2016 and the Muthesius Award, for which she won the Special Award of Fine Arts (for the three best graduates in fine arts over the past two years), awarded by the Muthesius Society.

She holds degrees in two different disciplines, in fine arts and social work & pedagogy. Therefore, she has always sought to combine her educational skills with her skills in supporting individuals in their own creative development. As an artist and art educator, she focuses on drawing, printmaking and media installations. As a social worker, she has experience in person-centred and strength-oriented education. In both professions, she has worked with children, young people and adults with different cultural backgrounds. Before moving to St Andrews in early 2018 with her family, Friederike taught drawing classes for students in Berlin.

Friederike’s exceptional woodcuts, ‘St Andrews ABC’ and  ‘St Andrews Ghost Stories’ were exhibited in my gallery on South Street, St Andrews.

– Beth Junor, Gallery Director   Email me if you have any enquiries –